Our Student Loans Are Fully Paid Off!

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debt freedom

This is a post I’ve been looking forward to writing for a long time. At long last, on March 8th, 2018 we made our final payment on our student loans. What was originally $40,000 of combined student loan debt has been finally paid off! This is a huge accomplishment for us and is an incredible feeling.

Our student loans felt like a big weight on our shoulders, like a burden needing to be lifted. With each payment that we made, and the closer we became to having the loans paid off, the more freedom and peace we felt. Making the final payment wasn’t a life changing moment, but the whole payoff process has been. We’ve become more mindful with our spending decisions and seen that we can make huge progress towards our biggest goals.

Our Debt Payoff Timeline

The date was significant for a couple reasons. 4 years ago, March 8th was the day I proposed to Mrs. Spills. Also, last year March 8th was the day I lost my job and the start of a new path. This year, March 8th marks no more student loan debt.

Here’s the timeline of how it all went down:

  • May 2013: My wife and I graduated school with $40,000 in student loans combined
  • November 2013: We waited the 6 month grace period and then began making minimum payments
  • November 2013 – January 2016: Continued making minimum payments, occasionally putting a few dollars extra towards them. (Other dates of note during this time: We got married in September 2014. Landed my first full-time role in May 2015, and became a salaried employee in August 2015.
  • January 2016: Had $27,000 left
  • January 2016 – November 2016: Paid off $15,000 in 10 months
  • November 2016: $12,000 left. At this point we shifted our focus to building up more savings.
  • March 8th, 2017: Was laid-off from my employer, began looking for a new job
  • May 2017: Started my new job, built up savings and started making additional payments again towards our debt
  • March 8th, 2018: Student loans fully paid off (4 years, 4 months total payoff time)

It’s been quite a journey. In some ways it has felt extremely long, and in some ways the progress has felt fairly steady.

What I hate most about debt is the restriction it creates. It is a monthly bill that must be paid no matter what. You’re trading your future dollars away and losing the option to decide how to spend them, those dollars have already been allocated. While we don’t regret our student loans, having them paid off brings freedom and options. It means an increase in our cash flow. Now the gap between our income and expenses can be used for ourselves, to increase our net worth and build a firm financial future. I’m excited for what the future will bring for us!

Full Debt Freedom Still to Come

We’re not quite fully debt free, as we still have about $7,000 left on a car loan. However, as I mentioned in last week’s post this debt doesn’t bother me nearly as much as our student loans. This is due to the low interest rate and the number of options we have of eliminating it. If it came down to it, we could sell the car or pay the full loan off in cash, but we’re choosing to hold on to it a little bit longer to balance being able to invest at the same time. We’ll be putting a good chunk of money towards our car loan this month and will more than likely have it paid off in the next 6-12 months.

The Biggest Keys for Us

I’ve written a long post detailing the factors that helped contribute to paying off $15,000 in a span of 10 months. Ultimately, the biggest keys can be distilled down to a few simple points. First, motivation was paramount. Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University helped spark this motivation in us, and we made our student loan payoff our number one financial priority each month. As soon as the bills were paid and some money invested into our 401k’s, the extra money we had went towards our debt.

This motivation was fueled by tracking our expenses and making mindful purchasing decisions. By cutting back on the excess, we increased the gap between our income and expenses, which led to more money being put towards our debt payoff.

You Can Do it Too

I don’t feel like my story is all that unique or out of the ordinary, but that’s why I choose to tell it. My message is that you can do this too. You don’t need to have a radical debt payoff story, you just need to make small consistent progress over time. If you’re reading this and you have student loans that feel like they’ll never be paid off, just know you’re not alone. Get started, throw every spare dollar at the debt and keep chipping away at them slowly over time. The progress may not feel like much, but keep pushing forward, every small bit makes a difference. Eventually that you’ll have climbed that mountain that seemed insurmountable and your student loans will be defeated.

As always, thank you all for following along throughout our journey. The support of the community has been incredible!

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24 Responses

  1. Thanks for telling your story. Real numbers and your success story will be inspiring to others dealing with college debt. Well done!!!

    • Matt Spillar says:

      Thank you Mr. JumpStart! I appreciate the kind words, my favorite part about reaching this milestone is that it hopefully will be able to inspire others to do the same!

  2. Congrats on achieving that payoff milestone! Very exciting!

  3. OMGF says:

    Huge congrats on this milestone. Gonna be like you when I grow up.

  4. Congrats on working together to knock out that student loan! My car loan is almost paid off and I will make a post when I send the final payment in. After that, I will attack my student loans aggressively.

  5. Ms ZiYou says:

    Well done, you paid them off very quickly! Mine took over 10 years to pay off, but things are different here in the UK.

  6. Chester L says:

    Awesome update Matt, congrats!!! I bet it feels amazing to have that weight off you. I look forward to my day just like you did. Keep the posts coming man, well done indeed 🙂

  7. Way to go Matt, that’s a huge accomplishment!

  8. Congratulations! Give yourself some credit, what you did was pretty incredible. It’s all about those small, consistent steps over time. How are you planning to celebrate?

    • Matt Spillar says:

      Thank you FP! That’s exactly right, small consistent steps over time is what made all the difference for us. We went out to a fancy dinner tonight to celebrate Mrs. Spills’ birthday and our debt payoff. We’ll also go on a couple weekends trips this summer 🙂

  9. Kris says:

    Congrats to you and your wife to wipe off those student loans. This is a huge accomplishment and now that burden is behind you, you could look forward to build up more savings. I know how it feels because it took me about the same amount of time to pay off my own $40K student loans. Their were times when I thought it would take forever to pay it off because I was paying the minimum for a while. But cutting back on some expenses and increasing your loan payments will push you to take loan balance to zero at a faster pace.
    Thanks for sharing your story Matt and awesome job!!

    • Matt Spillar says:

      Thank you so much for the kind words Kris, and rally cool that you have a similar story! There were definitely times where it felt like forever and we’re stoked to reach this point!

  10. Congratulations! We know the amazing feeling that comes with the final payment. Now if you continue to live on the same lifestyle, you can start paying yourselves even more!

    • Matt Spillar says:

      Thank you! Definitely an amazing feeling, and it will be even better to throw that extra money towards savings/investments instead of having to pay down debt.

  11. It’s funny. I always imagined some big parade would burst out of nowhere once I paid off my student loans. While that never happened (haha), it still was such a great moment seeing that $0.00 balance on my student loan account.

    Congratulations on paying off all the student loan debt! Such an impressive feat to hit. Ever since I paid off my loans, I’ve been able to divert more towards my emergency fund and investing. So happy to have them gone!!

    • Matt Spillar says:

      Thanks Colin! Really appreciate the kind words. Sounds like we had a really similar experience. No parade, but definitely a freeing feeling to have them gone!