Tagged: mint

tracking spending

Reviewing Our 2019 Spending

A detailed look at everything we spent in 2019 and how that spending compared to the previous year. Highlighting our wins and areas of improvement for the upcoming year.
tracking spending

Reviewing Our 2018 Spending

A detailed look at everything we spent in 2018 and how that spending compared to the previous year. Highlighting our wins and areas of improvement for the upcoming year.
tracking spending

Reviewing Our 2017 Spending

A detailed look at everything we spent in 2017 and how that spending compared to 2016. Highlighting our wins and areas of improvement for the upcoming year.
mint money app

How I Utilize Mint for Our Monthly Budget

An inside look at how I use Mint for our monthly budgeting and how you can too with minimal effort. Most people will concede that they should know where their money is going, so why don't more people budget their expenses? This post can help tear down the hurdles that people encounter during the initial set-up...