Tagged: savings

financial planning

How Planning Ahead Can Save Money

Our culture is so focused on having everything immediately. On the one hand, convenience is increased and time is saved. On the other hand, its costing us all a lot of extra money. Simply planning ahead before making purchases can avoid a lot of wasted money...

building wealth

The Quickest Way to Achieve Wealth

Remember the last time you got some unexpected cash? If you're like most Americans, your mind immediately jumped to what you could spend the money on. Learn what you can do instead, to build wealth quickly.

mint money app

How I Utilize Mint for Our Monthly Budget

An inside look at how I use Mint for our monthly budgeting and how you can too with minimal effort. Most people will concede that they should know where their money is going, so why don't more people budget their expenses? This post can help tear down the hurdles that people encounter during the initial set-up...

personal finance

3 Reasons You Should Care More About Personal Finance

Most people get caught up in a paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle with no end in sight. This often occurs due to poor financial habits, and an unwillingness to learn. Many people work 40+ hours per week to make money, yet won't spend even ONE hour per week learning about how to manage it properly. Why don’t more people care about managing their money properly and adapting effective financial habits?

small expenses

Is it Worth Stressing the Small Stuff?

If you happen to frequent personal finance blogs with any regularity, there’s a high probability that you come across certain advice that gets repeated numerous times. Some insist on optimizing every expense and cutting out any excess, others argue that you shouldn’t “sweat the small stuff.” Does focusing on cutting out daily $3 lattes really matter?

steve jobs

6 Key Lessons from the Incredibly Wealthy

One of the best ways to improve your own life is to learn from the best. Identify who is successful and note how they reached that level of success. Here are 6 of the wealthiest people in the world, with lessons that we all can learn from their examples...

basic finances

5 Basic Steps to Improve Your Finances Today

There is a ton of advice out there on how you could be managing your money better. This can leave you feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. Instead of getting bogged down in unnecessary details, here are five basic steps that you should take to improve your financial situation today...

frugal living

Frugal Living is a New Mindset

We live in a society where everything is always becoming new and improved, arriving to our doorstep faster, easier to use, and simpler to understand. These services can make us become more reliant on outsourcing simple tasks and the cost tends to add up quickly. Frugal living challenges the conventional way of thinking and is a whole different mindset...

buy happiness

Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness – But Here’s What Can

You’ve all heard the mantra “money doesn’t buy happiness.” While cliche, the sentiment behind it is completely true, but it’s also extremely simplistic.

It requires diving in deeper to the root issue. Isn’t having more money better than being broke? Sure, of course it is. The reality is, simply making more and more money is not going to increase our happiness levels. Often times, it’s the exact opposite...


No More FOMO – Frugal Living Doesn’t Mean You’re Missing Out

Every day we’re bombarded with messages of how we’re missing out on something better. This fear of missing out is often wrongly linked to frugality, as people spend their money frivolously to overcompensate. Spending more money doesn’t buy more happiness, and choosing to live a frugal lifestyle doesn't mean you’re missing out on what life has to offer.

college tuition

Why I Won’t Pay My Child’s College Tuition

Sounds a bit harsh, doesn’t it? It may be an unpopular choice to make, but I’ve thought about this a lot, and think it would be best for all involved. First to preface, I’m not a parent. I actually just graduated college about three years ago. Admittedly, it’s possible for this decision to slowly change when I start raising a child, but for now, I think this is best...

tax refund

Is Getting a Tax Refund a Good Thing?

For many people, a tax refund is one of the highlights to their financial year. But have you ever considered WHY you’re getting a tax refund, and whether or not it actually is a good thing?

hidden expenses

20 Expenses Everyone Should Look Out For

One of the most important aspects of personal finance is making a budget. Budgeting is a proven method to staying in control of your finances.

Often times, is the little remembered expenses that put us at risk. They are hardly noticeable, or come along so infrequently that we forget to incorporate them into our budget...