Spills Spotlight: Volume 20

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blogging spotlight roundup

Welcome to this month’s Spills Spotlight! This series consists of a roundup of my favorite personal finance blog posts from around the web, publishing on the last day of each month. If you missed the last Spotlight, you can check it out here.

Throughout the month I read a couple hundred blog posts and include my favorites here. Spills Spotlight is an opportunity for me to share my favorite posts with my readers, and showcase the work of my fellow bloggers within the personal finance blogging community. I hope you enjoy this series, and feel free to comment with suggestions on which posts should be included in upcoming months!

Slow FI: The Real YOLO

by The Fioneers

“Because we only have one life to live, I truly believe that we should search for happiness and meaning every day of our lives. I’m not willing to put that off until a day I can retire early.”

How to Slay Interviews Like a Job Hopping Fiend

by A Purple Life

“When I’m asked for advice on how to advance ones career in today’s world, my first nugget of wisdom is to have no loyalty (why should I when companies don’t?) and job hop to your heart’s content. That’s how I got where I am today and is one of the big reasons I’m on track to retire next year.”

How Getting Sober Changed My Life – and My Money

by Recovering Women Wealth via Budgets Are Sexy

“My bottom occurred at the age of 36. It’s no surprise that I was also in the biggest amount of debt of my life. I was bankrupt emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially. It can be a beautiful thing when a person comes to the end of their rope and there is nothing left to grasp at. After some disturbing visions and the stark reality that I was going insane, I finally surrendered, admitted defeat, and asked for help.”

The Shockingly Simple Math Behind Slow FI

by Four Pillar Freedom

“Perhaps you should prioritize how enjoyable your journey to financial independence is rather than prioritizing how fast you can get there.”

A Frugal Person on a Bicycle Looks at 40

by Frugal Wheels

“Work is just a lot better if it is something you care about. What’s not true? “Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life.” Bullshit. That’s candy-coated nonsense. Work is work. Even if you enjoy it, it’s still work. There are things that will frustrate you. There are times you will want to quit. Days you screw up and want to hide in a corner. The difference is every job has those things, but if you love what you do, hopefully the rewards will outweigh the challenges.”

The Financial Turing Test

by Of Dollars and Data

“It is probably better to listen to a self-made rich person than a self-made poor person when it comes to financial matters.  However, this doesn’t imply that the rich person understands how they got rich.”

Travel Without a Phone

by Derek Sivers

“Where you are is partially defined by where you are not. When you’re somewhere, you’re not somewhere else. But when you use your phone, you’re everywhere. You keep in touch with friends. You hear what’s going on at home. You see the screen exactly as you do anywhere else.”

Thanks for reading! Be sure to get updates on all of my latest posts by subscribing via RSS, following me on Twitter, and liking my page on Facebook!

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1 Response

  1. Hey, thanks for including me! I have to admit, it was one of my better quotes that you pulled out. Even broken clocks, right? haha Well, thanks again and some great reading here!